Taxpayers Fund Blasphemous Display in Martinique

Country: France

Date of incident: November 27, 2015

"Yo Mama's Last Supper" is a blasphemous parody of Da Vinci's "Last Supper" in which the artist Renée Cox appears as Jesus Christ with full frontal nudity.

The free exhibition of this highly-controversial work is underway in Fort-de-France, whose population the Archdiocese says is 80% Catholic (2013). For Christians, the Last Supper is the final meal that Jesus shared with his Apostles before his crucifixion. The Last Supper is commemorated by Christians especially on Maundy Thursday and the Last Supper provides the scriptural basis for the Eucharist, also known as "Holy Communion." Source: L'Observatoire de la Christianophobie