Wall-Paintings at Antifonitis Monastery in Cyprus Destroyed

Country: Cyprus

Date of incident: July 1, 1974

Antifonitis Monastery, a Byzantine monastery, built at the end of the 12th century, was destroyed as a consequence of the Turkish invasion. The heads of the two Archangels in the apse of the church were ruined. Turkish illicit dealers in antiquities cut into pieces and removed from the walls the representations of the Day of Judgment and the Stem of Jesse, vandalising a large part of them.

Other wall-paintings have also been removed from the church. Moreover, portable icons that were missing have been located in Holland. Source: http://www.moi.gov.cy/moi/pio/pio.nsf/All/B9BE36B80832A97CC225759400247A9C/$file/The%20loss%20of%20a%20civilisation,%20Destruction%20of%20Cultural%20Heritage%20in%20Occupied%20Cyprus%20%282.17%20MB,%202010%29.pdf