All cases

Desecrations of Cross and Chapel in the Bretagne

August 26, 2012, France

In the night of August 22nd to 23rd, a desecration took place in the garden of the Abbey of Saint-Jacut-sur-Mer (Bretagne): a cross has been stolen. On the night of August 25th to 26th, the chapel of Locmaria Carnac was desecrated and the number 6 had been tagged on the walls.

Burglaries in Churches and Parish Buildings

August 24, 2012, Germany

The parish building in Klotten and Pommern and the sacristy of the church in Bremm were broken into by burglars looking for money.

Vandalism in Naklo

August 22, 2012, Slovenia

On 22nd August 2012 unknown perpetrators desecrated a chapel of Saint Anthony in Naklo, Slovenia. They wrote the word "Satan" on the floor and words like "You worship the wrong God" on one of the frescos with a black grafitti. On another fresco they drew a cross turned upside down.

Jewels of Image of Mary Stolen at Sanctuary in Rijeka

August 21, 2012, Croatia

On August 21, 2012, the Holy See National Contact Point of the Apostolic Nunciature in Croatia reported that in the sanctuary of the Madonna of Trsat, Rijeka, golden jewels of the image of Mary, the mother of Jesus were stolen.

Burglars in Church Sacristy in Treis

August 20, 2012, Germany

An unidentified perpetrator broke into the sacristy of a Church in Treis and attempted to steal money. The police did not release the amount of the damage.

Vandalism at the Cemetery in Spišské Vlachy

August 16, 2012, Slovakia

On August 16 six graves had their graves stones displaces, vases and candleholders broken by unknown intruders. This was discovered by a town employee who notified the police.

Catholic Church in Bötzingen Broken Into and Defiled

August 16, 2012, Germany

In Bötzingen (Freiburg) on the 16th of August one or perhaps more perpetrators broke into the Catholic Church on the main street in Bötzingen, destroying the decorations around the church. The perpetrators also defiled the sacred space by urinating and splashed holy water on an open torn up bible. More damage has also been detected in several pipes of the organ.

A Blasphemous Jesus Caricature Disturbs Religious Feelings of Christians in Kassel

August 10, 2012, Germany

A large publicity poster at the entrance to a cultural center in Kassel shows the caricature of Jesus on the Cross including an offensive caption which caused strong indignation among Christians living in Kassel.

Chapel of Saint-Sébastien Set on Fire

August 8, 2012, France

The chapel of Saint-Sébastien in the region of le Gard, France, suffered an arson attack which partially destroyed the wooden part of the altar. This was not the first attack on the chapel.

NGO Calls for Withdrawal of Recognition for Russian-Orthodox Church in Austria

August 6, 2012, Austria

The Austrian Initiative “Religion is a private matter” seeks to deprive the Russian-orthodox Church in Vienna of its legal personality because of its involvement in the “Pussy Riot” case.