All cases

Victory for Christian Refugees at European Court of Human Rights

November 5, 2019, France

Victory in international court bolsters protections for Christians who face life-threatening persecution in home countries.

'Battering Ram' Night-Raid Robbery at French Cathedral

November 4, 2019, France

A car fitted with a battering ram was driven into the door of the Cathedral Sainte-Marie d'Oloron in southwestern France on November 4th. Once inside the cathedral, thieves entered the chapel and sawed the iron bars protecting sacred and liturgical items. They stole chalices, ciboria, a centuries old nativity scene, and vestments used by the priest for the Mass. Authorities characterized the theft as organized and well-planned.

Saint-Florent Hermitage Chapel Vandalized in Oberhaslach

November 3, 2019, France

A chapel was vandalized on Sunday, November 3 in Oberhaslach near Molsheim. A statue of St. Bernadette in the chapel of the hermitage of St. Florent was beheaded and moved. The gendarmes are calling for witnesses.

Inflated Condoms and Vandalism in Saint-Vaast Church in Béthune

November 1, 2019, France

On November 1st, unknown perpetrators vandalised the Saint-Vaast church in Béthune. The Vandals knocked over chairs and inflated condoms. The city will file a complaint and the police are investigating.

Antique Bell From Old Chapel In Ypres Stolen

October 31, 2019, Belgium

On the eve of All Saints the bell of an old chapel located on the Saint-Yvon side, in Warneton, was stolen. Because of its historical value it was currently on display in the choir of the Sint-Jan church, in Ypres. The stolen bronze bell dates from 1728 and weighs 25 kilos.

Self-Described Satanist Vandalized 100 Graves in Cognac Cemetery

October 30, 2019, France

Just before All Saints' Day, about 100 graves were damaged or destroyed in the Breuil cemetery of Cognac. Christian symbols including crucifixes, crosses, and statues of the Virgin Mary and angels were targeted. An 18-year-old self-described Satanist who "hates all religions, especially Catholicism," was arrested by the police. The timing of the incident, given its close proximity to the feast of All Saints and All Souls, shocked local residents.

St. Stephen Church Attacked Again

October 28, 2019, Spain

St. Stephen Church in Zamora has been once again vandalized. Unknown vandals sprayed graffiti and signatures on the church walls. A few weeks ago, a small fire from burning papers was also set next to the wooden door of the church.

News story Frames Christians Negatively for no Reason

October 28, 2019, France

The News Site "20 Minutes" included the picture of a Christian gathering to illustrate a survey on the feelings of French women towards the "threat against secularism", published in "Le Journal du Dimanche" on 26 October. The survey showed a majority of people in favor of banning street prayers together with a photograph showing a gathering of Christians, subtitled "Those polled are particularly opposed to prayers in the street". In reality, the survey was conducted to explore the issues of secularity with Islam in France.

Parish Church Cemetery Vandalized in Zabrzu-Helence

October 27, 2019, Poland

More than 40 graves were vandalized in the cemetery of the Our Lady Mother of the Church (Maryi Panny Matki Kościoła) parish of Zabrzu-Helence during the night between October 26 and 27, just days before Catholics observe All Saints' and All Souls' Days. Granite tombstones were torn down and broken, and wooden crosses were destroyed by unknown vandals.

Theft and Vandalism in Church of Montferrand

October 21, 2019, France

The police arrested three young persons on October 21st. They had stolen candles and vandalized the church of Notre-Dame de Montferrand. The entrance door was broken and other objects inside were also damaged. The three perpetrators tried to flee but were caught by police officers.