All cases

Church in Faubourg-Bonnefoy severely vandalised

May 30, 2024, France

On 30th May, the Immaculate Conception church in Toulouse was heavily vandalised by unknown perpetrators. Several objects, boards and furniture were broken and overturned, causing severe damage. Although the altar is located in a protected area behind bars, it was also overturned and severely damaged. The head of the statue of Virgin Mary was covered with a blue cloth.

Man steals statue of Jesus from church

May 29, 2024, Italy

In the early morning of May 29, in the Santissima Addolorata church in Taranto, a man was caught on camera, carrying a statue of Jesus on his shoulder, which he had taken from the church. The police were able to track down the perpetrator, a 28-year-old convicted felon. He had already been under house arrest, during which he had escaped to steal the statue.

Vandalism of altar in Siedliska

May 29, 2024, Poland

On May 29 at night, unknown perpetrators destroyed decorations on the altar prepared for the Corpus Christi procession in Siedliska. They also tore down decorative trees attached to the Christian community centre, and damaged the stairs of the building. Furthermore, the contents of two garbage bins were spilt next to the altar.

Chapel defaced with Islamic graffiti

May 29, 2024, Slovenia

On May 29, a chapel at the crossroads of Zagrad and Leše, in the municipality of Prevalje, Slovenia, was found defaced with graffiti. Unknown perpetrators wrote the word "Allah" in big letters with red paint on the walls of the chapel.

Man rammed car into Rodez Cathedral shouting "I hate Jesus"

May 28, 2024, France

As reported on 28th May, a 55 year old Frenchman has been arrested for driving his vehicle into the Cathedral of Rodez in Aveyron region. Fortunately, the SUV got stuck on the stairs leading up to the entrance and did not damage the Cathedral. According to witnesses, he was shouting “I hate Jesus” and “I hate Christianity”.

Vandalism in North Yorkshire

May 26, 2024, United Kingdom

Between 24th and 26th May, unknown perpetrators smashed 500 year old windows of a church in St. Mary's Church Thirsk.

Vandalism in St. Anna Chapel in Altshausen

May 24, 2024, Germany

On Friday evening, May 24, an intoxicated man committed an act of vandalism and damaged the St. Anna Chapel in Altshausen. According to the police, the man went on a rampage in the chapel "like a madman". The man smashed objects, flower decorations and destroyed plaster angels. He also tore down a crucifix and ripped off the hand of a statue of a saint. The police arrested a 32-year-old suspect. According to the initial estimate, the damage amounts to 10,000 euros.

Vandalism of statues in Szydłowo

May 24, 2024, Poland

Unknown perpetrators have painted defaced statues of Mary and Jesus in a roadside chapel in Szydłowo. In red colour they painted the eyes, nails and mouths. "This is a shameful and blasphemous act. It appears to have been done consciously and boldly during the day.", the local parish priest, Fr. Maruszewski said.

Vandalism in the church of Sant'Angelo Magno

May 20, 2024, Italy

On May 20, it was discovered that unknown vandals had broken inside the Church of Sant'Angelo Magno and destroyed candelabras, a crucifix, a statue, sacred vestments, and the 17th-century organ.

Vandals set fire to altar in Dannevoux church

May 19, 2024, France

On Pentecost, Sunday, May 19, between 9 am and 7.30 pm, in the church of Saint-Hippolyte in Dannevoux (Meuse), an act of vandalism was recorded and caused over €1,500 worth of material damage. According to a news report, fire was set to the altar. Fortunately, it was quickly extinguished with water from the holy water font, thus avoiding potentially dramatic consequences. The fire did, however, cause some damage to the altar. The tablecloth, base and column were partially burnt.

Police accused of pressuring Tory party to unseat Councillor Stevens

May 18, 2024, United Kingdom

Media revealed that a police detective allegedly put pressure on the Wellingborough local Tory party to unseat councillor Anthony Stevens after Mr. Stevens had defended the freedom of speech of a Christian street preacher and a Christian councillor. According to reports, the police detective explained that “in her opinion” Mr Steven was “not a fit person to be a councillor” because of his free speech beliefs and used internal information ton put pressure on the local chair of the committee. The incident happened just before the police searched and detained Cllr Stevens for supporting the freedom of speech case of Christian councillor King Lawal on his personal Twitter account in August 2023. The incident has prompted accusations of political interference by police.

"Allah" graffiti on Christ Church in Philippsburg

May 17, 2024, Germany

Unknown perpetrators daubed the facade of the Protestant Christ Church with the word "Allah" in Arabic language. The words were written with neon pink spray paint on the door and the wall. The town's inhabitants are shocked about the incidents, local media says.

"Are you here to pray for the lives of unborn children?"

May 16, 2024, United Kingdom

Sebastian Vaughan-Spruce was fined on May 16th in Birmingham while standing in a buffer zone near an abortion clinic. Among other things, the police asked him "Are you here to pray for the lives of unborn children?", in order to establish whether he was committing a crime. Sebastian replied that he was not praying silently in his head and further clarified: "I did not approach anyone, I did not speak to anyone, I did not breach anyone's privacy. I simply stood silently." He carried no sign either. The police could not tell him which crime he was committing, but nevertheless asked him to move away and leave the zone. When he inquired why, he was fined for not moving.

Church of the Holy Trinity near Peć vandalised with Islamist graffiti

May 15, 2024, Kosovo

Unknown individuals broke into the Church of the Holy Trinity a village near Peć and vandalised it with graffiti. The messages included “Allah Akbar,” as well as Albanian phrases such as “Remove this church from here,” “Only Muslims are here,” “We don’t want churches, we want mosques,” and “Islam is the only true religion!”

Attempted petrol bomb arson attack on Glasgow Baptist Church

May 15, 2024, United Kingdom

On Wednesday, May 15, an unknown perpetrator tried to set fire to Dennistoun Baptist Church in Glasgow with a petrol bomb which exploded in front of the entrance door of the church. Images show the charred pavement in front of the church. Police received reports of attempts to damage Dennistoun Baptist Church on Finlay Drive at around 10:50 a.m., and an investigation has been launched.

Catholic cemetery in Smorgon vandalised

May 15, 2024, Belarus

On Wednesday, May 15, unknown perpetrators set fire to a 19th century large brick chapel on the catholic cemetery in the town of Smorgon in Belarus. An image of Jesus and the roof of the chapel was burned. Parishioners are convinced that there was an act of profanation.

Arson and Vandalism in Sainte-Thérèse de Poitiers

May 14, 2024, France

On May 14, benches were gathered in heaps and set on fire in front of the choir in the church of Sainte-Thérèse in Poitiers. Furthermore, a statue of Mary was beheaded by the vandals.

Man armed with knife caught in church

May 13, 2024, Poland

On Monday, May 13, a 40-year-old man entered a church in Czaplinek with a knife while a First Communion service for children was taking place. The adult worshippers overpowered the man and called the police. The latter detained him for disrupting the service. According to witnesses, the man was dressed all in black, held a long kitchen knife and was walking towards the priest.

LibDems reported to EHRC for deselecting Christian candidate

May 12, 2024, United Kingdom

More than 400 party members filed a complaint with the UK Equality and Human Rights Commission which accuses the Liberal Democrats of deselecting a candidate based on his Christian faith in breach of equality law and having tolerated a “hostile environment” for people of faith. David Campanale, an Anglican believer and award-winning former BBC journalist has been targeted by an activist group within the party who has been lobbying against him because of his Christian believes since his selection as a candidate in 2021. The campaign alleged that he had not sufficiently disclosed his faith during the selection process, which he denies, and complained that a decade earlier he had been a member of the Christian People’s Alliance (CPA).

Islamic graffiti on church wall in Vienna

May 12, 2024, Austria

Next to the entrance to the church of St. Anthony of Padua slogans written in black pen appeared on the wall. "Islam will win, with you or without," and "Deen over Dunya" ("Religion over worldly life") are just some of the numerous slogans on the wall. Some of the words have been crossed out or replaced, but the graffiti has not been removed.