All cases

Krakow church defaced with hateful graffiti

June 19, 2024, Poland

As reported on June 19, the Church of St. Wojciech in Krakow was vandalised with vulgar graffiti, expressing hatred towards the Catholic church, the Vatican, and accusing the clergy of pedophilia. They also destroyed the facade of the church, where Saint Wojciech once used to preach.

Church in Borna Defaced with satanic graffiti

June 17, 2024, Germany

On June 17, a church in Borna was found defaced with graffiti in red paint reading "Satan" and "666" in several places. The church pews, a wall and a table cloth were also damaged with red paint.

Arson attack on Quintin Basilica

June 13, 2024, France

On June 13, there was an arson attack on the Notre-Dame-de-Délivrance Basilica in Quintin. The police have confirmed that the fire was deliberate.

ECHR "No right to die" ruling and needs for protecting freedom of conscience

June 13, 2024, France

On June 13, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), in Dániel Karsai v. Hungary, held that Member States could continue to prohibit assisted suicide. The Court ruled in favour of Hungary that prohibiting euthanasia and assisted suicide was in accordance with the “right to life” under Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights and under international law. With some countries limiting the right to freedom of conscience of medical personal objecting to euthanasia objectors to euthanasia, this ruling is of particular importance.

Fire in Dublin Crypt

June 12, 2024, Ireland

As reported on June 12, a man broke into the 11th-century church of St. Michael in Dublin and started a fire in the crypt containing 5 medieval mummies. They were damaged beyond repair. The man is now on trial.

Attack on French Catholic Family Association in Lyon

June 12, 2024, France

The building of the French Federation of Catholic Family Associations (AFC) in Lyon was severely attacked, leaving the place vandalised and daubed with graffiti slogans including "Death to Nazis" and similar insults. "AFC is not part of any political party", AFC underlined in the face of this absurd accusations in a statement published on their website.

Catalonia: Register of conscientious objectors in medical care

June 11, 2024, Spain

On June 11, the Government of Catalonia approved the creation of a register of health professionals who object to performing or assisting in abortions for reasons of conscience. According to the official statement, the register will be administrative and electronic, and not public. However, the management of health centres which provide abortion services will be able to access these records. Such a register is feared to lead to situations of discrimination on religious grounds in employment and indirectly violate the right to freedom of conscience of health personnel.

UPDATE: UK withdraws prosecution for "withholding money for transitioning"

June 10, 2024, United Kingdom

After "feedback from stakeholder" the Crown Prosecution Service has updated its domestic abuse guidance for prosecutors. In the updated version the section on “Transgender and non-binary identifying victims” no longer states that withholding “money for transitioning” may be considered abuse. Furthermore, refusing to use one's children's preferred name or pronoun can only be considered as part of a wider offence of coercive behaviour if there is intent to cause humiliation or distress. For an offence the children must be at least 16 years or older.

Vandalism in Bordeaux Church

June 10, 2024, France

Around 10 pm on June 10, the Saint Éloi church in Bordeaux was vandalised during a leftist demonstration. The perpetrators threw down plates and cutlery kept for the winter soup kitchen and spray-painted "Death to nationalists" on the church walls.

Vandalism in Poitiers

June 9, 2024, France

On June 9, the Montierneuf church in Poitiers was found vandalised. The cross was twisted, the altar smashed, vases of flowers were thrown against the walls, a sacred plaque on the altar was unsealed, twelve columns were torn down and the cross from the high altar was thrown on the sidewalk. Furthermore, furniture and sacred objects were damaged. The most symbolic and sacrilegious act for the catholic community remains the degradation of the tabernacle, where the consecrated hosts were kept. It was unsealed from the top.