All cases

Statues of Mary, Mother of Jesus, Covered in Condoms in Art Exhibit

November 10, 2010, Austria

The lower Austrian main building of government (NÖ-Landhaus) hosts an exhibition which displays Mary, the mother of Jesus, covered in a condom and sperma. This exhibition is funded by public money and approved by governor Erwin Pröll.

Atheist Father Obtains Withdrawal of Crucifix in Bavarian Highschool Despite Other Parent's Protests

November 10, 2010, Germany

An atheist father obtains the withdrawal of a crucifix in his son’s classroom in Regensburg (Bavaria, Germany) despite the opposition of the majority of parents. Morning prayer was changed to a neutral “Good Morning Circle”.

Political Spokeswoman States That "The Church in Spain is Sustained Tick”

November 10, 2010, Spain

In a session the Government, the spokeswoman of Esquerra Republicana, Joan Ridao, has called the Catholic Church in Spain to be "a kind of sustained, a luxury tick" (“mantenida y garrapata”).

Generalitat Catalana and Government Fund a Forum Against Public Presence of Catholic Church

November 10, 2010, Spain

The Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Equality, the Generalitat of Catalonia, Barcelona City Council and La Caixa funded the Forum Libertat 2010 on the same days on which the historic visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Santiago and Barcelona took place. The Forum advocated the withdrawal of the public presence of the Catholic Church.

“Ortega y Gasset” School in Almendralejo (Badajoz) Forced to Remove Crucifixes From Classrooms

November 9, 2010, Spain

The parents of two students of the public school Ortega y Gasset in Almendralejo (Badajoz) succeeded in their campaign to remove crucifixes from classrooms and prohibit religious ceremonies. The school parent association, who opposes these decisions, called for a protest.

Threats and Attempts of Fire in a Church Near Avignon

November 6, 2010, France

Saint-John’s parish near Avignon has been the target of a number of threats and intimidations: insulting tags in the church’s walls, feces thrown on the church, a young man even entered the church during mass, urinated and screamed to the parishioners: “we’ll toast you all in fire, you and your church”. A fire was also started in a tree growing against the church, probably in order to burn the church itself. Father Gabriel, the parish priest, regrets and condemns “an increasingly aggressive and violent climate”.

Gay Activists Attack Orthodox Protesters in Moscow

November 3, 2010, Russia

A group of male gay rights activists attacked members of the Orthodox youth movement "Georgievtsy!" outside the Council of Europe office in Moscow, who gathered against the European Court of Human Rights ruling declaring Russia's ban on gay pride marches illegal.

Head of Belgian Catholic Church Could Face Charges of Homophobia For Controversial Speech

November 2, 2010, Belgium

Msgr. Leonard faces accusations of homophobia for expressing controversial positions on the causes of HIV/AIDS.

Faithful Stoned During Mass at Carcassonne

November 2, 2010, France

The 150 faithful attending holy mass on Tuesday, November 2nd, in the Church of Saint Jacques du Viguier were the target of two teenagers who entered the church to throw stones on the faithful. An eldery person was slightly injured and a statue of the virgin Mary was damaged.

Code of Conduct Could Target Religion Teachers

November 1, 2010, Ireland

The Teaching Council of Ireland is using a Code of Professional Conduct that could lead to religion teachers being found guilty of “professional misconduct” for teaching core parts of their faith.