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Vandalism Against The Church of Aiguefonde

January 1, 2011, France

The parish church Sainte Claire of Aiguefonde (Tarn) was victim of series of vandalism attacks. Given the amount of the damage, the church will have to be completely restored in order to prevent the window and vault from collapsing.

EU Seemingly Pressured Moldova Into Strong Anti-Discrimination Legislation

December 31, 2010, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

The Council of the European Union proposed a visa liberalisation action plan for Moldova without much room for negotiations about the conditions: in a unilateral document, it was required to accept policies which would potentially infringe on the freedom of conscience or expression as well as that of religious institutions and organisations.

Parish Several Times Severly Attacked by Muslim Youth

December 30, 2010, France

Faithful of the parish St John in Avignon are being annoyed, often during the mass service, by insults and agressions, thefts, attempts of arson, and even a car bomb left by Muslim youth. The little community of Christians in a city which hosts an arabic-moslem majority begins to feel afraid of praying together. The parish priest understands that there is a "startling code of silence both for media and politics about the issue".

Message at University: "Christians are like rats. Shoot Accurately"

December 30, 2010, Spain

An increasing wave of violence is experienced by students, faculty and staff who are used to attend mass at the University of Barcelona (UB). The media reported extensively a graffiti found in the university restrooms: "Christians are like rats. Shoot accurately". The students affirmed that messages were left also in their writing desks.

Doctor Must Provide Fertility Treatment Without Regard to Conscientious Objection

December 30, 2010, Ireland

Dr Boyle runs a fertility treatment service along Catholic guidelines at Galway clinic, which is a Catholic hospital. He was summoned before the Fitness to Practice Committee of the Medical Council in 2010 because he would not accept a cohabiting couple for treatment because of his belief on traditional marriage.

Barcelona City Council Approved Gay Monument in front of the Basilica Sagrada Familia.

December 29, 2010, Spain

The City Hall of Barcelona approved a monument to honor the gay, transsexual and lesbian lifestyle in front of Sagrada Familia, the Barcelona Basilica. The proximity of location as well as the political message in relation to the dedication of the Basilica is troubling to Christians.

Government Representative Verbally Attacks Catholic Church

December 29, 2010, Spain

Cayo Lara, the General Coordinator of the IU (United Left wing) told media that machismo and gender violence are strongly related to religious education. Lara also referred to the Catholic wedding vows in which partners should be united "until death", as proving "without any need of further discussion" that the Church is in favor of the discrimination of women and treats women as "the property of men."

Turkish-Cypriot Police Raid Christian Church During Christmas Service

December 25, 2010, Cyprus

Police officers of the Turkish-Cypriot government entered a Greek-Orthodox Church in Rizokarpaso on December 25th 2010 and forced the priest to stop the Christmas morning liturgy. They coerced the priest and worshippers attending liturgy to leave the church and then locked its doors.

Removal of Nativity Scenes and Christian Contents at Christmas

December 24, 2010, Spain

Manuel Ángel Rodríguez, City Hall representative of Oviedo, proposed the removal of nativities from any public building, specially schools. In 2009, Juan de Padilla school, in Toledo, suppressed every religious reference to Christmas but «Halloween», a foreign celebration to Spanish tradition, was welcomed. Nativity scenes and Christmas carols were replaced in the Toledo school, while decorated trees and the pagan character of Noel were permitted after two parents had complained about the religious connotation of the shepherds and the angels seen in the traditional manger.

European Commission Omits Christmas in EU School Diary

December 17, 2010, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

The European Commission produced more than three million copies of an EU diary for secondary schools containing no reference to Christian festivals, but including those of Jewish, Hindu, Sikh and Muslim religions.