German Bishops Conference and Protestant Evangelical Church in Germany Issue Joint Statement

Country: Germany

Date of incident: July 12, 2016

Cardinal Marx, chair of German Bishops' Conference and Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, head of the Protestant Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), united to condemn the attacks on Christians and other religious minorities in camps.

The statement urges protection for minority groups in refugee camps, specifically Christians and Yazidis. The two churches have conducted a survey together across their dioceses and regions to highlight the Church's role in helping refugees. In a series of recommendations, the Church leaders suggest how authorities could ensure peace within camps. The statement also proposed a series of recommendations to improve the conditions for a peaceful coexistence in the refugee centres and camps. The proposals are aimed both at those responsible in refugee camps, as well as to federal, state and local authorities. Many of those recommendations are similar to those the Observatory made in its 2015 Report. Read the Joint Statement (in German) here.