Insurance Company Refuses Youth Ministry on Confessional Grounds

Country: France

Date of incident: June 22, 2013

The insurance company MAIF (Mutuelle Assurance Automobile des Instituteurs de France – Mutual Automobile Assurance of elementary school teachers of France) refused to cover “Le Foyer de Saint-Martin” (The House of Saint Martin) because the association has confessional roots.

“Le Foyer de Saint-Martin” is an association for youth on “physical and cultural activities” which was originally found in a French parish. They offer summer and winter vacation for young people independent of their religious background.
When the president of the association wanted to get an estimate of costs for an insurance of the children who participate in the vacations, MAIF refused because of the confessional roots of “Le Foyer de Saint-Martin” and said that they could not meet the order.
