Government Cuts Funding of Christian Foundation on Grounds of Contents

Country: Netherlands

Date of incident: January 10, 2009

The Dutch goverment ceases its annual 50.000 Euro grant to the Christan Foundation "Onze Weg". The reason is that the foundation teaches that homosexuality can be healed.

The Dutch goverment ceases its annual 50.000 Euro grant to the Christan Foundation "Onze Weg". The reason is that the foundation teaches that homosexuality can be healed. Analysis: Religious freedom has - besides an individual one - also a "collective dimension", a certain institutional freedom for religious communities to organize themselves and work according to their mission statement. A recognized community must therefore be able to hold to the specificities of their faith, in this case a critical attitude to homosexual behaviour. If there is government funding for religious institutions, it is necessary that the requirements for obtaining a grant do not force the community to alter their beliefs, still covered by the fundamental human right of religious freedom. For the full story in German, please follow this link to[tt_news]=71558&tx_ttnews[backPid]=181&cHash=0ac6f64181