Croatian Television Breaks Agreement with Catholic Church

Country: Croatia

Date of incident: July 19, 2013

Croatian Television (HTV) one-sidedly cancelled the autonomy of its religious program, which had been guaranteed by the Agreement signed in 2000 by HTV and the Croatian Conference of Bishops (in reference to the implementation of the international contract between the Holy See and the Republic of Croatia).

The Bishops of the Croatian Conference of Bishops, at a special session held on January 27, 2014, discussed the issue of HTV’s breach of the prevailing Agreement with the Croatian Conference of Bishops, as well as the newly arisen circumstances following the reorganization of HTV and pointed out that the Agreement is still in force and should be adhered to. A willingness to talk and seek new solutions was expressed, starting from the international contracts in force and the role of public television and radio, which, among other things, must also take the religious needs of citizens into account.


Justice and Peace Commission of the Croatian Conference of Bishops