Muslim Anti-Christian Protest – Scary Images
Muslim anti-Christian protest took place in London in front of several European embassies and is portrayed on photos which were taken during a demonstration against the Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad.
Please view these photos which portray intolerance against Christians by Muslims living in Europe. Most of the photographs are copyright to the Associated Press. They were taken in February 2006 in London, during a demonstration against the Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad. Please note that in July 2007, after the Glasgow and London bombings, the British newspaper "The Independent" reported a statement from Muhammed Abdul Bari, of the Muslim Council of Britain, saying: "There is no cause whatsoever that could possibly justify such barbarity. Those who engage in such murderous actions and those that provide support for them are the enemies of all, Muslims and non-Muslims, and they stand against our shared values in the UK."