Nude Women Chained Themselves to Main Altar of Madrid Cathedral

Country: Spain

Date of incident: June 13, 2014

Two nude female activists from the radical feminist group FEMEN chained themself to the base of the crucifix at the main altar of the Cathedral of the Almudena in Madrid, Spain to protest against the limitation of abortion law in Madrid. They started chanting „abortion is sacred“ etc.

On 13th June 2014 in the morning, two female activists from the radical feminist group FEMEN walked into the Cathedral to the main altar.  They took off their T-shirts and chained themselves to the base of the crucifix. They chanted “abortion is sacred,” among other things. The activists had painted their motto “freedom to abort”on their torso. On the back of one of the women was painted “Gallardón Inquisidor”. Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón is the Spain’s minister of justice and he is considered to be the prime mover of an attempt to roll back Spain’s abortion-on-demand laws.
The incident took place during the final deliberations by the General Council of the Judiciary (GCJ), Spain’s constitutional body, voting 10-8 (with three abstentions) in favor of moving ahead with a plan for limitations to the liberal abortion law. Under the new legislation, which seems to be supported by the Catholic Church, abortion would only be allowed in the case of a rape or  mother's health risk.
This event was just one of a chain of anti-church events in cathedrals in the whole country in previous years. Police stated that the FEMEN abortion activists were charged with “crimes against religious sentiments” but were released within a few hours.