Vandalism at St. Oswald Church in Traunstein

Country: Germany

Date of incident: June 16, 2014

An unknown person vandalised the church where Pope emeritus Benedict XVI celebrated his first mass as a Catholic priest in Traunstein, Germany. The perpetrator destroyed a statue of an angel and took off pieces of the altar. An arm and a foot of the corpus of the crucifix on the tabernacle were also broken off. The motivation of this attack is unknown. The motivation of this attack is unknown.

The attack took place in the Stadtpfarrkirche in Traunstein, Germany where Pope emeritus Benedict XVI celebrated his first mass as a priest. The violator purposefully climbed on top of the altar and then broke off one and damaged the other wing of an angel statue, the gatecrasher also broke pieces off from the altar decoration. It is unknown if both the wing and the golden altar decoration have been stolen. Source:,-Sachbeschaedigung-in-St-Oswald-Kirche-_arid,144128.html