Anti-Christian Slogans at Anti-Life Demonstration
Anti-Christian slogans such as “There is no God” and “If Mary had had an abortion, we would have been spared from you!” shouted at anti-life demo in Vienna.
On September 3rd, about 80 left wing demonstrators met to oppose a larger pro life manifestation in front of Vienna City Hall. As it has been noticed before, anti-Christian slogans were shouted by the left wing activists. These slogans included: “There is no God” (“Es gibt keinen Gott”) and “If Mary had had an abortion, we would have been spared from you” ("Hätte Maria abgetrieben, wärt ihr uns erspart geblieben“). The convening group was VSSTÖ (Verband Sozialistischer Studenten Österreichs, Association of Socialist Students of Austria). Video:Anti-Christian 20Slogans 20Sept_3_09 20Vienna.AVI