Mobbing of Christians at Islamic School

Country: Netherlands

Date of incident: August 18, 2009

Christians treated as second class teachers; pupils taught that “Christianity would be abolished in the end, all other religions would disappear and everybody will convert to Islam” at school in Amsterdam, and that “only Muslims can after all be good people.”

News came out in the Netherlands in August 2009 by Christian teacher Hennie Metsemakers who briefly worked at the Orthodox Islamic As Siddieq school in Amsterdam to “contribute to integration”. She recently stated in newspaper Het Parool that she was not allowed to be greeted with ‘Salam’ (peace) like the other teachers of the school educating about 900 pupils because “non-Muslims cannot know peace”. She also had to eat her meals separately. Hennie Metsemakers was suspended by the school a year and a half ago because she spoke of religions other than Islam in the lessons. “I had drawn a timeline and shown the most important events of a number of beliefs on it.” Not only was that forbidden, but she was also ordered to teach the children that Christianity would be abolished in the end, all other religions would disappear and everybody will convert to Islam. According to Metsemakers, the school wants to teach children that they are not allowed to be friends with non-believers. “Only Muslims can after all be good people.” Amsterdam education councilor Lodewijk Asscher withdrew the municipal subsidy to As Siddieq. He has lost confidence in the school board, he told board members in a town hall meeting. Links: