Attack at a Church in Berlin and at Christians Assembled in March for Life

Country: Germany

Date of incident: September 19, 2014

A church in Berlin was seriously damaged because it offered its premises for abortion opponents. Also the Christians peacefully assembled at the so called “March for life” – a pro life manifestation in Berlin became targets of variety of attacks. Several German politicians criticized the event and described attending Christians as "religious fundamentalists".

The window glass next to the main entrance of the Sacred Heart church in Berlin was broken and red painting color was spread on the church furniture, books etc. These items they cannot be used any more. The paint included sharp slinters. A confession to these acts was found at an illegal left-wing internet platform.
The Christians peacefully assembled in the Mach for life in Berlin were also targets of variety of attacks. Left wing extremists joined the crowds, showered Christians in color, insulted them and shouted vulgarly. When  police intervened, they protested that Christians are protected by police as if the Christians had been the ones who had provoked the attacks.
The March for life was also criticized by many German politicians. The SPD MP Mechthild Rawert defamed the participants of the march as "self-proclaimed pro-lifers" and called for a counter-demonstration at the Brandenburg Gate. Other left-wing politicians described Christians as "religious fundamentalists". Sources:
Reactions of Politicial Parties in Berlin to the vandalising: