Politician Forced to Withdraw Candidacy Due to Christian Engagement

Country: Germany

Date of incident: January 28, 2015

Politician Mark Holleman had to withdraw his candidacy for appointment as the environmental and health officer for Munich, despite being the favored candidate of the City Council, because of his membership in a pro-life group as well as in Christian Solidarity International.

Mark Holleman, a politician from the small ÖDP party and mayor of Denzlingen, had actively participated in ALfA (Aktion Lebensrecht für Alle), the largest pro-life group in Germany with more than 11,000 members, which advocates for human rights from conception to natural death. He was also a member of Christian Solidarity International, a Christian human rights NGO. Both organisations act within the realms of democracy and public interest, and were nevertheless called “too radical” to be acceptable. Mr. Holleman stated: "Ich betrachte es als äußerst problematische Entwicklung, dass ein Bürger mit einem christlich geprägten Menschenbild aufgrund seiner persönlichen moralischen Einstellung zum Lebensschutz trotz moderater politischer Positionen heute für bestimmte Ämter nicht mehr in Frage zu kommen scheint. Wie ich es durch Zeitungskommentare und persönliche Zuschriften wahrnehme, sind aufgrund der Ereignisse rund um meine Bewerbung zum Umweltreferenten viele Bürgerinnen und Bürger über die Entwicklung der Meinungs- und Religionsfreiheit in unserem Land besorgt. Meinen christlichen Glauben, der mir in früher Kindheit geschenkt wurde und mir Motivation und Kraft für mein gesellschaftliches Engagement gibt, werde ich weiterhin aus tiefer Überzeugung und mit Dankbarkeit ausüben."
(In English: "I reckon this to be an extremely problematic trend that a citizen with a Christian inspired image of man, who bases his personal moral point of view on life protection issues, despite moderate political positions, no longer seems to be eligible for certain offices. As I perceive through newspaper comments and personal letters, many citizens are concerned in our country about the development of freedom of thought and freedom of religion due to the events surrounding my appointment as environmental speaker. I will continue to exercise my Christian faith, which was given to me in early childhood and which gives me motivation and strength for my social commitment, in deep conviction and gratitude." Sources: