Muslim Devastated the Church of Santa Maria Assunta in Cles/Trento

Country: Italy

Date of incident: January 3, 2015

While entering the church, a Moroccan-origin Muslim was yelling in Arabic phrases from the Koran. Then he destroyed five religious statues and other religious objects in the church causing severe damage. Eventually, the 67 years old male was arrested by the Police and is now facing criminal charges.

Within a couple of minutes, the perpetrator had vandalized the statues of Virgin Mary and the Child, one statue of the Immaculate Virgin, a statue of Our Lady of the Rosary, Our Lady of Pain and the statue of St. Joseph and the Child. The vandal also targeted marble altar, broke the baptistery, two altarpieces and a large painting of the Assumption. He was detained and arrested by the Police and is facing trial by the Trento Court of Justice. The defense is expected to argue mental problems. The Morrocan Muslim is a long-time local resident who had already disturbed service in the same parish previously. Source:
