Employment Tribunal Hears Christian Educator "Rightly" Dismissed for Faith
Christian nursery educator, Sarah Mbuyi, was dismissed from her job after "gross misconduct" for saying that marriage is an institution between one man and one woman in conversation with a colleague. In an employment tribunal hearing, witnesses testified that Christian views on the topic should not be expressed in the workplace.
Sarah Mbuyi's case is now before an employment tribunal appealing the "unfair dismissal". Sara Mbuyi worked in a day care center in London's Shepherd's Bush. It states that a conversation with a lesbian colleague was decisive for their dismissal. She was asked what the Bible teaches about homosexuality because their church would not let her marry her partner. Then, the colleague reported the incident to her supervisor. After a disciplinary interview with the school director, Mbuyi was dismissed for "gross misconduct" and violation of the Anti-Discrimination Act. Gross misconduct is the most serious penalty normally reserved for theft and fighting at work. One witness claimed that Miss Mbuyi was not able to meet contractual obligations because of her belief, saying: “She was not able to do her job, to represent the diversity of the nursery. This indicated other beliefs that would make her unable to fulfil her duties.” Sarah Mbuyi said: “You know persecution [for your faith] is coming, but it feels really surreal when you realise it’s happening to you.”Sources: kath.net and Christian Concern