Orthodox Priest Beaten

Country: Germany

Date of incident: October 30, 2009

Aleksejs Ribakovs, Orthodox Priest, was beaten and forced to move to another city to protect his family. One of the suspects was caught and identified as a young Muslim who proclaimed to hate Christians.

On Sunday evening, 18:40, Aleksejs Ribakovs gets out of his car to go home. Coming from Divine Liturgy he was wearing priestly vestments. Three young men waiting in front of the door and asked: "What are you wearing, old man?". They forced him into the house entrance and started to beat him severly on his chest. One spat into his face. They cried out "shit-priest" and "shit-Christians". Before leaving they say: "Never show up here again" Previously, his car had been targeted. In 2008 his car had been picked out three times, once only to take Christian CDs out of the car to destroy them on the sidewalk. A 17-year-old young man of Turkish origin was arrested who partially admitted to be guilty.  Ribakovs has moved to a different German city to protect his family.  Read the full report on  http://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article5027578/Bochumer-Priester-fluechtet-vor-religioeser-Gewalt.html