Thieves Destroyed a Parish Church in Pajarillos, Spain

Country: Spain

Date of incident: November 21, 2015

They stole a tabernacle, ciborium, chalices, patens, a candelabrum, and some of the sound equipment from the Church of San Ignatius of Loyola

When the priest prepared to enter the building before the six p.m. Mass, he discovered that the doors had been forced open, and the sacristy and the sanctuary of the chapel were completely destroyed. The perpetrators desecrated the holiest places of the church complex, including destroying several consecrated hosts. 
It appears that the perpetrators’ intention was to steal church property and it will be expensive to repair the damaged doors. Additionally, the thieves stole the tabernacle after removing the consecrated hosts and dumping them on the ground. They also stole a ciborium (a metal container to hold and distribute the consecrated hosts), two chalices (to consecrate the wine at Mass), two patens (dishes in which the host is placed during the Mass), and containers where chrism or holy oil is stored. The church was not able to estimate the the value of these objects, as they are made of gold and silver. 
The thieves also took a candelabrum (the box on a stand where candles are placed to make offerings in exchange for a few coins). Finally, they stole a stereo, microphones, and speakers. According to the police, who have already opened an investigation, this was a violent theft committed by more than one person.
The incident forced the church to suspend the Mass scheduled for Saturday afternoon. Forensic investigators searched the church for clues and fingerprints to try to identify the perpetrators, and the pastor has filed an insurance claim for the damage to the premises and the value of the stolen items. 
The church resumed normal activity a few days later, although its leaders and parishioners felt deep sorrow about what happened. "We have performed an act of reparation for the desecration of the forms, a special prayer that these things do not happen again, without hatred or bitterness towards anyone who has done it." 
Source: El Norte de Castilla