Seventh Cemetery in 18 Months Desecrated by Vandals

Country: France

Date of incident: December 1, 2015

This time, thirteen crucifixes were torn from their graves and were thrown to the ground, broken, or planted upside down.

After Villers-le-Sec, November 30th (see here), now the cemetery of Saint-Martin-des-Entrées has been vandalized in the same manner. According to La Manche Libre, it is the seventh cemetery desecrated in eighteen months in Bessin (Calvados).

The scene was discovered by an inhabitant of the town who went to visit the grave of his wife. Once again, the police visited the site to collect fingerprints and gather clues. The local mayor, Daniel Siméon, expressed his feelings of "disgust, anger." "There are no words. One is discouraged by this kind of event. I do not see the benefit of doing such a thing."

Source: La Manche Libre