Christian Refugees are Subjected to Violence and Harassment

Country: Germany

Date of incident: November 30, 2015

Violent acts are not only committed by other asylum seekers, but in some cases by security personnel, as well.

"Skull contusion, monocular hematoma, chest trauma, blunt abdominal trauma history. Patient was beaten today by four security people.  Patient was brought to the [emergency department] with a massive headache and pain in the abdomen” This describes the emergency department notes for 31-year-old Iranian Ajdin (name changed) on a November evening.


"They accused me of insulting Islam, beat me, and kicked me in the face," said the Christian convert. He told Die Welt that almost daily, he and 13 other Christians in the Oberurseler Asylum Center (in the Frankfurt Rhein-Main region) were insulted by Muslim refugees, particularly when they went twice a week for worship with their little Bibles in their hands. "From some roommates we expected this, but that guards also despise our faith, we could have never imagined." 


When he entered the refugee home that evening, his refugee card on which his nationality was showing, the guard made a strange remark: “Ahh, the Islamic Republic of Iran,” the guard said with appreciation. To this, Ajdin - who had fled from Iran before the Islamic regime - replied: "No, just Iran."


He was followed to the dining room, where he was grabbed by another security guard and pushed into the hallway. There he was beaten by several security guards, as they said he had insulted Islam.

Source: Die Welt