Antifa Admits Attack on Demo für Alle

Country: Germany

Date of incident: February 26, 2016

In advance of a planned peaceful demonstration on February 28 in Stuttgart by Christian activists against a new school curriculum emphasizing gender ideology, the radical left group "Antifa" attacked the building owned by a financier of the buses provided for the demonstration.

According to a post on a website, Antifa took responsibility for attacking the conference room on the private property owned by the Catholic supporter of Demo für Alle, Albrecht Graf Von Brandenstein-Zeppelin, saying it caused property damage using tar, paint, and pyrotechnics as well as breaking glass to be a clear signal: Those who organize or support Demo für Alle must expect problems. In October 2015, in advance of a similar demonstration, Antifa posted that free buses to the demonstration were offered to supporters of Demo für Alle by the foundation chaired by Brandenstein-Zeppelin, giving the address of his property. The post also makes repeated references to his Catholic religion. Source: