Defenders of Public Cross of Callosa Threatened

Country: Spain

Date of incident: May 1, 2017

Residents of Callosa de Segura opposed the City Council's decision to remove a cross next to the parish church entrance and took turns guarding it to prevent its removal. In response, they became the targets of threatening graffiti. On May 1st, graffiti appeared with a message aimed at the spokesman of the PP parliamentary group Javier Perez: “Javier Perez is dead” (“Javier Perez estas muerto”) and the second read: “A bomb to the cross” (“Una bomba a la cruz”). On May 17, 2017, a high court dismissed Perez's appeal to stop the removal of the cross but the case could still go to the supreme court.

The Cross was removed in 2018: Las Provincias

Sources: El Municipio and Información

Symbolic Photo by Austin Thesing on Unsplash