Rome Bus Stops the Target of Blasphemous Images

Country: Italy

Date of incident: June 1, 2017

Unknown perpetrators placed offensive and obscene posters inside publicity screens of the Roman transport company ATAC on June 1, 2017. One poster, called Immaculata Conceptio - In Vitro was a depiction of the Virgin Mary holding a baby, presumably Jesus Christ, with her hand on another woman's thigh, implying that they were a couple who used in vitro fertilization to conceive the child. Another poster, entitled Ecce Homo Erectus, shows an obscene image of Jesus Christ with a child.

The transport company called these posters acts of vandalism without authorization.  UPDATE: In early November 2017, the artists were identified as Hogre and DoublewhY. Hogre, the creator of "Ecce Homo Erectus," was arrested and charged with publicly insulting religion (Criminal Blasphemy) in violation of Italian Criminal Code Sec. 403. If convicted, Hogre could face a fine of €1000 to €5000.  Sources: ActuallInfovaticana, and Hyperallergic