Catholic Pro-Life Student Union President Ousted

Country: Ireland

Date of incident: October 27, 2017

Students Union at University College Dublin, a university founded by Blessed John Henry Newman, voted to remove Katie Ascough, the Catholic pro-life president of their student union. This vote came after Ascough, on legal advice, stopped the Union from publishing information about the cost of abortion and information relating to abortion pills.

The Student Union at University College, which is the largest of its kind in Ireland, has for a long while been at the forefront of controversy. The Union was threatened with legal action in 1988 when it published information about abortion in its welfare guide for students. Earlier in 1979, when the sale of contraceptives without prescription was illegal, the union was a leader in the movement which campaigned for change. In addition to this campaigning, the Student Union, as with other such unions, provides a wide range of welfare and educational services. It also offers support with student accommodation and provides a welfare officer. As an organization, it has significant power and influence within the university and beyond.
The recent vote was 69 percent in favor of removing Ascough from office, with a total turnout of 6,611. Source: EWTN GB