Manchester Street Preacher Questioned by Police
Freedom of speech is being challenged in the case of Miguel Hayworth, a Christian street preacher in Manchester, UK who was silenced by police after publicly reading a passage from the Bible discussing homosexuality.
Mr Hayworth had been reading from Romans 1:17-32 when a member of the public complained of ‘homophobic remarks’ and the police arrived. Mr Hayworth was then taken into the back of a police van, questioned and detained for over an hour. The officers later released Mr Hayworth and he was permitted to continue preaching. Laywers defending Mr. Hayworth are demanding an explanation regarding alleged intimidation and wrong use of power of police officers. Source: "Marginalising Christians, Instances of Christians being sidelined in modern Britain" p.38 Copyright © The Christian Institute 2009 ISBN 978-1-901086-46-1 For more details see: