Christian parents fear 'gender-confused' daughter will be taken away

Country: United Kingdom

Date of incident: October 23, 2016

Christian parents fear their 14-year-old daughter will be taken into foster care unless they allow her to change her female name to a male one.

Social services and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) became involved after the daughter of christian parents had tried to run away. She had been struggling with her menatal health, was self harming and wanted to identify as a boy. The family were told by CAMHS that unless they allowed the name change, their daughter would be at risk of suicide and that their refusal is equivalent to 'neglect'. The family believe they will be pressured into permitting the name change and for allowing their daughter to receive 'therapy' through a 'Gender Identity Development Service' in Leeds. They feel, however, that their daughter's mental health problems have not been dealt with the right way. The parents fear that should they not go ahead with the social worker's demands that their daughter might be taken into foster care. 

Source: Christian Concern