Historic Forest Church in Badia Tedalda Heavily Damaged by Vandalism

Country: Italy

Date of incident: November 6, 2018

Several stained glass windows of the Lama Church were broken by rocks and the door was smashed by an axe. The damage was estimated at several thousand euros.

The building is located in the nature reserve of Badia Prataglia which is managed by the Pratovecchio forest police, not only for the protection and conservation of biodiversity but also for the historical cultural value that this corner of the forest represents.

In addition to the church, the barracks occupied in the summer by the forest police for the surveillance of the reserve, was also damaged.

Until the 1970s, the Lama plain hosted small rural communities consisted of foresters - woodsmen and their families -  who drew their subsistence from the woods and treated the forest with respect. The two oldest buildings remain as artifacts of that time.

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