European Parliament Attacks Lithuanian Legislative Proposal Curbing Homosexualist Propaganda

Country: European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

Date of incident: January 19, 2011

The European Parliament has issued a condemnation of a Lithuanian bill that seeks to prohibit the “public promotion of homosexual relations.” The bill proposes fines of between €580 and €2,900; it has not yet been passed by the Plenary of the Lithuanian Parliament and is still under review.

The January 19th plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg voted in favor of a resolution, “on violation of freedom of expression and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in Lithuania.” Put forward by a coalition of Liberals, Socialists, Greens, and the European United Left/Nordic Green left groups in conjunction with Europe’s leading homosexualist lobby groups, the resolution calls on the Lithuanian government to “enable minors to freely access information on sexual orientation.“ The group European Dignity Watch (EDW), a pro-democracy NGO that monitors European institutions, condemned the resolution, calling it a violation of Lithuania’s national sovereignty and saying it is outside the purview of the European Parliament. “Once again, the European Parliament ignores the principle of subsidiarity,” EDW director Sophia Kuby said. “The resolution voted this week is an ideologically motivated infringement with the principle of subsidiarity.” Even though the bill and its condemnation do not mention explicitly Christianity, the bill’s content is especially important to Christians, especially Christian parents who don’t want their children to be taught diametrically opposed views and values. We thank for reporting.