Second Suspected Arson Within 8 Days; Priest Threatened

Country: Italy

Date of incident: September 26, 2018

Unknown perpetrators set the Santi Innocenti Martiri di Montesilvano Church on fire on September 26th. This was the second fire at the church within a week and was committed while investigations into the first fire were underway by the carabinieri and the fire brigade. The entire central nave was enveloped by the fire that traveled along the entire right side to the sacristy and the meeting room. Even the roof collapsed, making the supporting structure completely unusable, according to reports. "There are people who, despite our willingness to meet them, even publicly said they did not want the church. With today's gesture, the work was completed as if they wanted to finish what they had not been able to do last week," said Father Rinaldo, the parish priest. 

Father Rinaldo stated after the first fire that "the pastors who preceded me had warned me. There are some residents that do not want the church. We have made sure to meet their needs, for example by lowering the volume of the bells to a minimum and setting them to ring only once a day." He also explained that he received threats from people who do not want the church.  

The mayor said: "A second fire at the church of SS Innocenti Martiri in 8 days is an act of unprecedented gravity which affects the whole community of Montesilvano and which requires a strong response to protect the security of the Montesilvanesi, first identifying the person responsible for this vile gesture."

"On Sunday morning, together with the other members of the Giunta, we gathered around the parish community as well as Fr Rinaldo . . . participating in the outdoor Mass. On that occasion we gave full availability and maximum support to help rebuild the Church. Perhaps this could have stimulated the foolish mind of the pyromaniac, fomenting his idea of completely destroying the Church and precluding any possibility of rebuilding it." 

Sources: ImolaOggi, Reta8, and Il Pescara