EU High Representative Lady Ashton Deems Condemnation of Christian Persecution Politically Incorrect

Country: European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

Date of incident: January 31, 2011

EU Foreign Ministers rejected a draft resolution condemning the atrocities against Christian minorities in Egypt and Iraq, as they could not agree on the word ‘Christian’ in their draft statement in an effort to remain "politically correct."

At their meeting in Brussels on January 31, the EU Foreign Ministers rejected a draft resolution condemning the atrocities against Christian minorities in Egypt and Iraq. Although preceded by an unequivocal resolution of the European Parliament (EP) on January 20 and an equally explicit recommendation by the Council of Europe (CoE) on January 27 emphatically condemning the increase of attacks on Christian minorities, the Council of Ministers could not agree on the mention of the word ‘Christian’ in their draft statement on the same issue in order not to say anything “politically incorrect”. Despite the fact that the majority of religious violence in recent years is directed toward Christians, the EU High Representative Lady Catherine Ashton's refused to make reference to ‘Christians’ in a statement intended to condemn persecution of Christians. President of the EPP Group in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Italian MP Luca Volontè, expressed his disappointment to European Dignity Watch, “The incapability to stand up as one European voice against the atrocities inflicted recently upon Christians in large parts of the worlds is absolutely incomprehensible, especially after the two unequivocal texts adopted by the Parliament and the Council of Europe.” We thank European Dignity Watch for reporting. Please visit