Church and Chapel Vandalized in Quimper Diocese

Country: France

Date of incident: July 14, 2019

During Sunday Mass on the 14 of July, parishioners learned of vandalism in both the church and chapel of the Saint-Mathieu parish in Pays d'Iroise (diocese of Quimper, Finistère). In the church of Saint-Budoc à Porspoder damage included a vandalized offertory box, cigarettes left in front of the altar of the Blessed Virgin, the door of the sacristy obstructed by the insertion of gravel in the lock, and vomit in the holy water stoups. In the Chapelle Saint-Samson à Landunvez, the most photographed chapel in France, an offertory box was vandalized and a cross thrown in the trash.

Source: L'Observatoire de la Christianophobie 
Photo by Gerhard Haubold, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikipedia