Vandals set off firecrackers inside the church of Madonna della Neve

Country: Italy

Date of incident: October 9, 2019

Vandals set off firecrackers inside the church of the Madonna della Neve, also known as Madonna della Tosse.

They threw firecrackers and blew them up inside the church. This was after having torn the retina and the grille of one of the windows of the main façade of the church of the Madonna della Neve, also known as Madonna della Tosse, in the meadows of Rindola in Sant'Andrea. Vandals in action in recent days. The alarm was raised on Monday morning by a passer-by who alerted the caretaker of the church who, in turn, informed the parish priest, Monsignor Michele Favret of the incident. And the priest had no choice but to report it to the Carabinieri of Vittorio Veneto.

"The little windows have a grille -and in one case they tore everything apart and managed to throw in a dozen firecrackers, which burst here, and an empty tank of motor oil perhaps used to make even more noise - Don Michele recounts -. They also opened the little door from which the offerings can be inserted, from the outside. In addition, they tampered with the alarm activation system, but it remained on by not opening the door".


Source: Oggi Treviso