Flash Mob Disturbs Good Friday Procession

Country: Germany

Date of incident: April 22, 2011

A flash mob intended to protest against a law prohibiting dancing events on certain holidays interfered with the Good Friday procession of the Croatian Catholic community in Frankfurt/Main.

About 1.000 people gathered at Frankfurt’s Römerberg square to protest against a law that prohibits dancing events on certain holidays, among them Good Friday. The event was advertised on the internet via social network pages. At 4. p.m., the time the flash mob was scheduled, the Good Friday procession of the Croatian Catholic community was about to begin, also at Römerberg square. The Flash mob disturbed the procession as the participants repeatedly hooted, interrupting prayers. Some of them shouted insults against the believers. The Croatian Catholic community has been holding its Good Friday procession for years and had obtained the permit required by German law to use public space – in contrast to the flash mobbers. A lawyer who participated in the procession filed charges against the Green Party’s youth organization, which supported the flash mob. The leaders of the youth group dissociated themselves from any disturbance of religious practices. Sources (German): http://www.fr-online.de/frankfurt/kroatisches-nachspiel/-/1472798/8388432/-/index.html http://www.fr-online.de/frankfurt/-das-war-kein-zufall-/-/1472798/8392772/-/index.html http://www.fnp.de/fnp/region/lokales/frankfurt/mit-partylaune-gegen-das-verbot_rmn01.c.8857938.de.html http://frankfurt.bistumlimburg.de/index.php?persongroup=&_1=310745&_0=15&sid=e442efa77d7ffe3f77797eea4053baa0