(Scotland) Artist Plans to Set Jesus´ Head on Fire

Country: United Kingdom

Date of incident: May 16, 2011

“Holy smoke” is the expression the Scottish media has used in reference to David Mach´s claim to set on fire the head of Jesus in the name of art. The artist plans to burn a head of Jesus made with matchsticks outside the City Art Centre of Edinburgh, which is hosting this religious-themed exhibit with taxpayers money in celebration of the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Bible. The exhibit will run from 30 July to 16 October. Mach, who described himself as a non believer, says he wants to use religious themes to "expose the hypocrisies of the contemporary world".

Source: http://news.scotsman.com/odd/Holy-smoke-Jesus-to-be.6753526.jp http://www.martinfrost.ws/htmlfiles/scotnews11/110418-mach.html http://www.jwsministries.org/1141/council-funded-artist-burn-head-jesus/ http://scottishchristian.com/holy-smoke-jesus-to-be-burned-in-name-of-art/