Universidad de Valladolid Bars Access to Chapel: "Whoever Wants to Pray, Go To the Field”

Country: Spain

Date of incident: February 22, 2011

Due to “security reasons”, a glass panel has been set up in order to prevent any worshippers from entering the chapel of the University of Valladolid. The Christian student union “AJIO” met with the president of the university in order to express frustration over such a barrier. Their complaints were not heard, however, as the only answer received from the faculty remains, “God is everywhere. Go away to pray in the field.”

Thus, the chapel dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament of Christ the Light (Santísimo Cristo de la Luz) remains closed. Sources say, that the university is finalizing an agreement with the Archdiocese of Valladolid that would allow the chapel to be opened for members of the university community and believers in the city under Article 16 of the Spanish constitution which states, “recognition and respect to religious freedom”. Sources: http://www.religionenlibertad.com/articulo.asp?idarticulo=14012 http://www.hazteoir.org/alerta/36133-capilla-universidad-valladolid-tercer-lugar-culto-que-se-cierra-en-espana?page=2 http://www.minutodigital.com/2011/02/22/rector-de-la-universidad-de-valladolid-quien-quiera-rezar-que-vaya-al-campo/