All Saints Church Vandalised

Country: United Kingdom

Date of incident: March 18, 2020

Between 4:00 pm on Wednesday and 8.20 am on Thursday, an unknown perpetrator broke into the popular All Saints Church and damaged the interior. Crockery was broken, a leaflet table was turned over, and bandages from a first-aid box were laying all over the floor.

“It’s rather dispiriting. They moved things around and caused a lot of mess. Cups and a teapot lid was broken. They got inside a first-aid kit and threw bandages around. It was mindless vandalism really. Rather surprisingly, they didn’t take a big pack of toilet rolls. Although the cost of the damage was low, I am disheartened by the incident. A decision has yet to be made over whether the church will stay open during the COVID-19 crisis. The cost is not high in any way, but I think we’re saddened by it, especially with everything else which is going on at the moment. Public worship is obviously suspended, but the bishop is keen to keep the church open for parishioners to access during the day. But we can’t keep cleaning up mess like this.”, said the churchwarden Claire Rose.