Repeated Burglary At Catholic Church

Country: Germany

Date of incident: March 30, 2020

On March 30th between 09:00 and 19:45, unknown perpetrators broke into the Catholic church in the Brüder-Grimm-Straße in Vellmar. They opened the door of the sacristy, the organ control panel, the cover of the baptismal font, the safe, and searched several cupboards before fleeing in an unknown direction. The total damage amounts to 1.000 euro. The police are investigating and searching for witnesses.

There has been another burglary last week, where perpetrators broke into a cupboard in the choir room of the church, but they were able to escape. The damage amounted to 150 euros. The police are not able to tell yet if it were the same perpetrators in both cases.

Source: Presse Portal 

Photo by Chad Greiter on Unsplash