Spanish Officer Calls the Catholic Church a "Public Enemy"

Country: Spain

Date of incident: January 30, 2005

The former Spanish ambassador to the Holy See, Gonzalo Puente Ojea, affirmed that the Catholic Church is a public enemy nowadays. In the view of Puente Ojea, the Church is used to a privilege treatment and its bellicose tone towards the Spanish government is part of a power game.

Puente Ojea says: "The Church has so many privileges and they need to be taken away"; the church prerogatives only contribute to create systematic inequality against freedom of conscience, Puente Ojea asserted during the Conference on Education and Citizenship held in Pontevedra, Spain. "If the Church continues to request to benefit some consciences against others, the little democracy we have would evaporate” concluded Puente Ojea.

Sources: publico_20263458420.html