(Northern Ireland) Gay March Signs Offend Christians

Country: United Kingdom

Date of incident: August 24, 2011

Belfast's Gay March 2011 was (again) marked by anti-Christian offensive signs. One sign read: “Jesus had two dads (and he turned out just fine)”. Another protester bore a placard that said “Jesus protect me from your followers”.

In response Jim Allister, leader of the Traditional Unionist Voice and the MLA for North Antrim, branded the placard as “highly offensive” Commenting on the issue he said: “Such sentiments would not be permitted if Mohammed had been the object of the marcher’s mockery. Why should Christianity be treated any differently? “Christians peacefully demonstrating at the event were subjected to a torrent of foulmouthed abuse and obscene gestures. In 2007 the march faced calls to be banned after one participant carried a placard saying “Jesus is a fag”. Source and full story: http://www.christian.org.uk/news/gay-march-mla-complains-over-offensive-placards/?e260811