Vandalism and Theft in Saint-Laurent Church in Lambezellec During the Lockdown

Country: France

Date of incident: April 5, 2020

On Sunday 5th April, Father Jean Baptiste Gless noted the degradation and theft at the Church Saint-Laurent of Lambezellec in Brest. The candlesticks and candles were overturned and the lamp of the tabernacle was stolen. The parish priest refuses to close the doors of the church due to the degradation, because he says the perpetrators shall not win, he always leaves the door open in the morning, so that people can meditate and pray. During the Lockdown, the priest also prayed for the people of the town, and he hung a sign on the facade saying "Take care of you all, we pray for you".

Source: Le TelegrammeOuest France

Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash