Blasphemious Play Shown in French Theaters

Country: France

Date of incident: August 31, 2011

„Golgotha Picnic“, a theater play written by Rodrigo García, abuses mercylessly Christian icons and Bible passages in brings them in the proximities of terror and barbarism. Christ is called "el diablo puto" (the f... evil); money notes are placed at the Jesus' side wound; burger bread covers the floor as a parody of the multiplication of the loaves; and a piano player, totally naked, ridicules the “Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross” by Haydn.

The promotional logo for the play displays a crucified body between two bread halves.
The play is shown in the Théâtre de Garonne and the Théâtre du Rond Point.
The play is sponsored by the French Culture Ministry, the Foundation Pierre Bergé, and the Baron Philippe de Rotschild Society. Sources:

Update in December 2011: Judge Ruled It´s OK to Offend Christians

A motion of preliminary injunction to ban the play Golgota Picnic at the Paris theater Rond-Point was denied by Judge Magali Bouvier. AGRIF, the alliance against racism and for the promotion of French Christian identity, requested the play be forbidden on the grounds of religious hate and the likelihood of causing disruption of the public order. Judge Bouvier argued that because the theater lights are dimmed in some scenes, and the play is a piece of art, there are not enough reasons to ban it. In addition, the judge condemned AGRIF to compensate “Théâtre du Rond-Point” for the court costs they incurred in relation with the law suit in the amount of 3,500 euros. Sources: