Local Government Eliminates Traditional Barbeceue at Ascension Day During the Time of Ramadan in Novara

Country: Italy

Date of incident: August 20, 2011

In the first year after the centre-left’s victory at local elections, local politicians decided to prohibit the traditional Ascencion Day barbeceue – at which „Crostine“ and „Salamelle“ (special Italian sausages) have been indispensable for decades. The reason was that Ascension Day took place during Ramadan. Not to offend the Muslim minority, the local government decided to serve only water melon instead of the traditional barbeceue.

Strangely, it was not thought of that during Ramadan, Muslims aren’t allowed to eat anything before sunset – not even watermelons. Interestingly, the Muslim minority did not ask for this; but the wish of the Catholic majority to keep up the longstanding cultural and religious tradition was not answered. http://www.labussolaquotidiana.it/ita/articoli-salamelle-e-costinela-disfida-di-novara-2673.htm