Amsterdam Mayor Accused Hillsong Church of Intolerance against Homosexuals

Country: Netherlands

Date of incident: September 18, 2020

Amsterdam mayor Femke Halsema linked the activities of the Hillsong Church with an increasing violence against gays during a council meeting in September and associated them with the promotion of gay healing and conversion therapy. To take action against the church's alleged intolerance, she announced her intention to approach the landlord of the Hillsong Church building. Both Hillsong Church and Christian parties in the council expressed their surprise and disappointment at the unfounded claims.

In a council debate in September, mayor Halsema brought up the recent increase in violence against homosexuals and linked Hillsong Church to the issue. "If there are signs that communities are preaching or offering gay healing, we will contact them to let them know that we do not benefit from it," the Dutch newspaper Reformatorisch Dagblad quotes Helsema. "We neatly indicate that we have no powers, but that does not prevent us from having a serious conversation, for example, with the Hillsong landlord".

Several parties within the council fear that within specific groups, like Islamic or Orthodox Christian communities, ideas which threaten the freedom and equal treatment of individuals belonging to the LGBT community are being spread. SP councillor Erik Flentge includes Hillsong Church as one of these groups.

Christian parties were bewildered by Helsema's announcements. CDA councillor Dieserik Boomsma told the Reformatorisch Dagblad: "I know a number of people from that church. There is really not a shred of intolerance in them. I've never heard of the Hillsong Church offering healing practices for homosexuality. It falls under the freedom of religion if people reject homosexual practice and call it sin. It would be different if a church called for hatred or an unholy treatment of homosexuals. We have to reject that".

The CU forwarded written questions to Halsema to clarify the issue. Reformatorisch Dagblad quotes two of them: Firstly, "Why is the mayor going to talk to the landlord of a religious community? Has the mayor tried before to contact the church and talk to them? If not, doesn't the mayor think that is a much more careful step?" Secondly, "What precedent does the College intend to set by engaging with landlords who rent properties to churches or other religious communities when they believe in beliefs that the College may not agree with?"

Religious researcher Dr. Miranda Klaver equally states that "If Halsema suspects that something is wrong within the Hillsong Church, she should go to that church herself instead of to the landlord". The university lecturer in anthropology of religion at Vrije University has undertaken a scientific study on Hillsong and states that there are no signs of homophobia or healing practices of homosexuality to be found. Like other Orthodox Christian churches, Hillsong advocate for sexuality to be lived within the frame of a marriage between a man and a woman. The church welcomes gays, but they may not be allowed in leadership positions.

Hillsong Church expressed their dismay and disappointment by the "unfounded comments of the mayor and city council members who have tried to link Hillsong Church with this issue and gay healing or gay conversion therapy. Hillsong Church does not preach and endorse this and has even publicly spoken out against gay conversion therapy". In a press release, Hillsong Church condemns "any form of violence or hatred" against the gay community."Hillsong Church does not preach against certain individuals or groups. We are an inclusive Christian church that loves and welcomes all people, without discrimination based on background, ethnicity, creed, values and norms, or personal identity. This of course includes lhbtiq+'ers."

The church invited Halsema for an interview, "So that she is well-informed and prevents untrue public comments from being made".

Sources: Reformatorisch Dagblad, The World News Netherlands, Het Parool

Symbolic photo by Justin Clark on Unsplash