Consistent Harassment of Christian Employee by Muslim Colleagues

Country: United Kingdom

Date of incident: November 27, 2011

Nouhad Halawi claimed she and other Christian colleagues at Heathrow Airport's World Duty Free shop are victims of a hate campaign run by fundamentalist Muslims. According to Halawi, she suffered consistent pressure and threats because of her beliefs, and for wearing a necklace cross.

Halawi, originally from Lebanon and a mother of two, was a saleswoman at the duty free shop located in Terminal 3 of Heathrow Airport. She lost her job in July, after 13 years of service, when she complaint about being targeted by extremist Muslims. David Tunnicliffe, the trading manager at World Duty Free, suspended Halawi first, but then communicated the dismissal.
According to the Daily Mail, Halawi expressed concerns about other Christian colleagues at the airport because they fear to suffer Halawi´s fate "if one of the Muslims turns on them". The work atmosphere changed with a growing number of employees promoting 'fundamentalist Islam', said Halawi. "They say that Jesus is s***** and bullied a Christian friend of mine so much for wearing her crosses that she came to me crying...They said that 9/11 served the Americans right and that they hated the West, but that they had come here because they want to convert people to Islam.", Halawi told the media. Sources: