(Scotland) Former Leader Becomes Victim of Religious Discrimination

Country: United Kingdom

Date of incident: October 31, 2011

Former Scottish National Party leader Gordon Wilson has said a “lynch mob” booted him off the board of Dundee Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) because of his support for traditional marriage after Mr Wilson had responded to the Scottish Government’s consultation on redefining marriage, saying that he was opposed to the idea.

Members of Dundee CAB accused Mr Wilson of being anti-equality and blocked his re-election. “I knew from the start that it was like a lynch mob, and whatever I said, it was obvious that they were intent on my removal,” he said. The 73-year-old added: “When I pointed out to the meeting that their statement of equal opportunities also included the rights of those of religious faith, this was disregarded.
“So, also, was a reference to the £39,000 given last year to Dundee CAB for racial/religious discrimination projects by the Scottish Government.
“They would have difficulty in applying for fresh funding for this project when they were guilty of practising religious discrimination themselves.

“All to no avail, the issue of same sex-marriage appeared to have priority over the work of the bureau. Political correctness was victorious.” Gordon Macdonald, parliamentary officer at CARE for Scotland, said: “This case raises serious concerns about religious liberty and freedom of speech. Whether one agrees or disagrees with Gordon Wilson, everyone should defend his right to state his view.”

Read more at:



http://www.thecourier.co.uk/News/Dundee/article/18458/former-snp-leader-gordon-wilson-voted-off-dundee-citizens-advice-bureau-board-because-of-same-sex-marriage-comments.html http://www.christian.org.uk/news/cab-dumps-former-snp-chief-for-traditional-marriage-views/?e281011